Carafes filtrantes: 5 unmasked impostures

While filter jug ​​manufacturers multiply marketing operations, the monthly 60 million consumers tested the performance of 8 filter jug ​​models in its June 2011 issue. The results obtained are so poor that  60 million consumers  prefer it. recommend no!

Today, 25% of tap water drinkers use a carafe or a filtration system. But in many cases, filtered water is worse than tap water! The latest study of 60 million consumers (June 2011 issue) confirms the imposture of these filter jugs.

1 / Carafes filter chlorine: true but useless, even dangerous!

Yes, the activated carbon cartridges retain the chlorine, which partly rids the tap water of its bad taste. But this filtration also promotes the appearance of bacteria ...

 "If the water has no taste or smell, it also becomes unprotected from bacteria," notes 60 million consumers. Beware of the water that sleeps! This is in line with the study by Que Choisir, which pointed out the dangers of "contamination [of cartridges] that is conducive to the proliferation of microbes". By testing the cartridges used in about 30 families, the association discovered the presence of germs related to the handling of the cartridge that many users contaminate with their hands.

2 / Carafes filter limestone: false and that's good!

In addition to ridding water of chlorine, carafe manufacturers promise to retain limestone - in fact calcium - through an ion exchange resin. A "marketing anti-limescale argument that falls into the water," says the magazine, citing "mediocre results. "

 And that's good ! Because "calcium is a mineral essential to the body and its contribution via water allows a good assimilation without adding calories" recalls 60 million consumers.

In summary, the filter jugs are used to filter substances that are good for your health. Fortunately they do not keep their promises.

3 / Carafes filter nitrates: false and tendentious!

In terms of nitrates, the "results are very bad" judge 60 million consumers. The carafes tested retained only 8% to 17% of the amount of nitrates present in the water.

This anti-nitrate argument, widely used by carafe manufacturers, is problematic: it surfs on the worries of pregnant women or young mothers.

Because for infants and young children, water with too much nitrates causes blood oxygenation problems with serious consequences. This is why doctors recommend water with a nitrate content not exceeding 10 mg / L. However, the maximum content of nitrates in tap water is much higher since it is limited to 50 mg / L.

By retaining 8% to 17% of these nitrates, the content of nitrate filtered tap water is still far too high for young children and pregnant women. By promising a water free of these nitrates, jug manufacturers therefore mislead the consumer. It is time to force these manufacturers to say that filtered water is not suitable for infants and young children.

4 / Water filters release active carbon: true!

When they are started, all the cartridges release particles from the active carbon or ion exchange resins contained in the filter. Problem: "we find the phenomenon after 28 days for most carafes," notes the experts of 60 million consumers. Even if we change the filters regularly, we remain exposed to unwanted particles!

"It is not acceptable to ingest substances absent from unfiltered water" annoys 60 million consumers. Especially since these substances are often more numerous than those recognized by manufacturers. In addition to activated carbon, there are some heavy metals such as silver or ion resins.

5 / The filtered water contains phthalates: true!

Interviewed by 60 million consumers, Yves Lévi, Professor of Public Health at the University Paris 11, reveals that "we can find phthalates in filtered water (...)". A substance deemed  carcinogenic by the WHO .
Instead of filtering the water and improving its quality, carafes expose consumers to substances that are absent in the original tap water (phthalates, silver, activated carbon, ion resins). Aggravating circumstance, the dechlorination of the water and the manipulation of the filters expose the consumers to the risks of bacteriological contaminations. As for the filtration of nitrates, the mediocre results make scandalous this marketing argument that suggests that a filtered water of its nitrates could be suitable for the hydration of young children or infants.
In the end, the study of 60 million consumers joins the one carried out in 2007 by Que Choisir. At the time, the analyzes had inspired these damning conclusions to  Jean-Pierre Geai, the director of Que Choisir  :

 "The analysis of the water filtered by carafes in about thirty families gives worse results than tap water before filtration. All the parameters referred to as lead, nitrates, pesticides or the release of silver are amplified. In the end, the results are disastrous for filtered water.

In this context, do these filter jugs represent a danger in terms of public health? A UMP deputy asked the Minister of Health to carry out a study on the sanitary quality of the filtered water. At the time, Minister Roselyne Bachelot believed that  "the effectiveness and safety of these processes are the responsibility of the person who puts them on the market". 


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