Big Berkey water filter test the most efficient on the market

I spent a lot of time choosing my water filter because these systems are expensive and if there is one thing that I hate, it is spending a lot to not harvest anything. I learned a lot about reverse osmosis systems that did not fit my needs, and then turned to gravity water filters.

After making one myself and then ordered an entry-level model before throwing it out after 3 months, I turned to the Big Berkey water filter. I had heard a lot about this model during my research without really understanding the craze it arouses.

After 3 years of use, the Big Berkey filter is by far the best water filter on the market for me and I will explain why.

My specifications for the home water filter

1.       Reasonable price
2.       Capacity for 4 people
3.       Easy to use and maintain
4.       Ability to filter chemical agents
5.       Reliability
6.       Durability

My review of the Big Berkey water filter

The Big Berkey model offers 8.5 liters of filtered water. It is composed of 2 tanks that lock into each other and measure 50cm in height and 22cm in diameter.

What I like

The Big Berkey gravity water filter is extremely powerful. Its filtration capacity far exceeds the standards in the field, so much so that it is considered a purification system in the United States.
If you're going to roam on YouTube, you'll find videos of cowboys who are having fun filtering very dubious water with the Big Berkey and its Black Berkey filters ... and who drink it with confidence because the Berkey water filter filter (hold your breath, the list is long)

viruses, bacteria, parasites, radon222 (widespread natural radiotoxic), heavy metals (lead, mercury, etc.), cysts, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, hormones, petroleum residues, nitrates, pesticides, herbicides, rust, chlorine, odors and 97% of the existing radioactive elements ... (for a little, it eliminated the cons in the passage but it is not too much to ask).

The icing on the cake is that in addition to filtering all these crap that want to poison us, Berkey black filters let the minerals that want us good.

The filters last a very long time - the capacity of the filter is 22500 liters of water (yes, 22.5 tons) is a little less than 3000 filtrations with normal use. I no longer need to go to the store to buy water packs every day, which allows me to manage my stock effectively.

No need for electricity or elbow grease to make it work. I like working for me, and the Big Berkey runs to perfection.

The water tastes good. Once the filter is primed, it does not taste the treated water. I had this problem with Brita caraf filters that often gave my water a big taste, which is why I got rid of this system (besides I find that the price of spare filters is really too high for the overall quality of the product).
Stainless steel is modern, blends well with the decor and is not afraid of falling. I had a terracotta gravity filter at one time, the latter did not survive an unfortunate fall. With stainless steel, I am quiet on the side of robustness and especially the set is 10 times lighter than a terracotta equivalent weighing a dead cow.

Maintenance is also facilitated by stainless steel, cleaning tanks once a month is fast and requires little or no effort. When I'm lazy, I put the whole in the dishwasher and we talk about it more (not forgetting to remove the filters, hot water shots).

The filtration rate of the water is correct most of the water is filtered in 4 hours. So if you fill the Big Berkey in the evening before going to sleep, you have 8L of water available when you get up the next day.

I also appreciate the fact that Berkey is an ultraspecialized company in the treatment of water. Nature and Discovery (for example, I do not target them particularly) it's nice, but they sell filters made in China on which I would not bet my survival. With Berkey, I know that all elements are thought safe and controlled drastically. I am not german (please stress tonight) but this rigor really pleases me.

What I do not like

I tell you right now, there are not many things I do not like in this water filtration system.
A small bottom of water tends to stagnate in the bottom of the upper tank when it is empty (at last almost empty of the blow.) It is not a health concern since the Berkey filters atomize almost all that lives and which is bad, but there is usually 1cm of water at the bottom of the upper tank because its level is below the threshold of the filter elements.In fact it does not change anything, but I find it disturbing that the top tank is not completely empty once the filtration cycle is complete.
I have no complaints about the Big Berkey water filter outside of that. In 3 years of use I have not encountered any problem and I trust him completely to treat the water that my family drinks. I recommend it with your eyes closed.

Some tips for using the Big Berkey filter

·         Tip # 1 - Whenever you drink filtered water, add water to the upper tub. Thus, you will always have the maximum capacity of the Berkey available (8.5 liters).

·         Tip # 2 - Read the instructions (do not mind, what). You might miss something important, like   You can damage your filters if you use hot water . That would be a shame…

·         Tip # 3 - Review Tip # 2 and tell everyone in your family that it will prevent someone from arguing. If you had not yet understood, I made the mistake, I admit.

·         Tip # 4 - The more water in the upper tank, the faster the filtration (bin yes, it's a gravity filter ...) so when you fill it, fill it thoroughly. And make sure the bottom tank is empty, otherwise you will have your feet in the water.

·         Tip # 5 - If you let water stagnate for a few days in the stainless steel container, it will have a slight taste of metal. This presents no danger for you and you can drink it without any problem, but know that if you leave a few days the best is to put your water in the fridge to avoid that.


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