How to repair the fridge that loses water?

If the fridge loses water, do not panic! The best solution would be to call a specialized technician but if you want to carry out a preventive inspection to identify the real problem, here's how to proceed.
One of the most common drawbacks in the kitchen is having the fridge leaking water . This is a small, completely normal problem, which occurs most of the time due to the dirt present inside. These small blockages can cause a partial or total blockage of the condensation water purge .

Obviously you can immediately call a technician who can repair the refrigerator. First, however, it is advisable to carry out simple maintenance operations , which require only a few minutes. They can be performed by anyone, even those who are not familiar with do-it-yourself and home repairs.

So let's see how to repair the refrigerator that loses water from below, learning to recognize the most common problems, both those related to traditional models and modern refrigerators No Frost. As we will see they have different drainage systems, but it is possible to verify their functioning without too much effort.

How does the water drain in the refrigerator work?

When we notice that in the kitchen our fridge loses water from below, only when we open the door or uninterruptedly, it means in most cases that the condensation drainage system is clogged . Why does this happen? Traditional refrigerator models, ie those without No Frost systems, ie without frost, are subject to a physical phenomenon called condensation. When the door is opened, the warm air present in the room inevitably filters inside , mixing with that of the refrigerator which is much colder.

Even a few seconds opening allows a small amount of hot air to enter, remaining trapped inside the fridge. Subsequently this warmer air condensesbecause of the temperature difference, turning into water vapor and then into water. Finally, it settles on the bottom of the refrigerator, where it is disposed of through the condensation drain hole . It is a small duct located in the lower part of the fridge, usually under the vegetable drawer, which expels the excess liquid thanks to the heat released by the compressor.

The latter vaporizes it outside, turning it back into water vapor. When working in normal conditions this system prevents water from escaping from the fridge.

Leakage of water from the fridge: the possible causes

When this system does not work as it should, the result is a loss of water from the fridge. There are two main causes:

1.       The purge line is clogged
2.       The refrigerator is not well leveled

When it is not level, the condensation water that forms in the fridge tends to leak out. It is an uncommon inconvenience, which manifests itself most of the time at the time of installation and is solved by adjusting the support feet .

Instead, the drain hole is particularly subject to the accumulation of dirt, so it must be cleaned regularly . Unfortunately, its strategic position makes it extremely vulnerable, but it also allows its correct functioning in normal conditions.

How to repair the fridge that loses water from underneath

If the fridge starts to lose water almost always it means that the duct purge was clogged . Before calling a technician it is possible to empty the bottom part, remove the vegetable drawer and unscrew the drain hole plug. Now you have to proceed to cleaning the conduit and adjacent surfaces. The dirt that comes off the food, in addition to the small fragments of the casings, can end up in the duct and cause a small obstruction .

Even if partial, the blockage of the drain hole can cause a loss of water from the fridge, so you must provide for its cleaning. To do this, just use a small rubber tube, a straw that is not too flexible or the classic pipe brush , which you receive when you buy the product. Often enough to blow a little air into the duct to free it, at most repeating the operation a few times. Otherwise it is necessary to rub the hole to remove impurities and more resistant sediments.

Once the drain hole has been cleaned, it is possible to check its correct functioning . You just need to pour a finger of water and check that it is purged outside. Important!Never pour more than a finger of water, since the risk is that some of the liquid may come out of the hole, touching some electrical contact. Once you have verified that the purge line is working properly, you can put all the food inside the fridge.

Otherwise it is necessary to call a technician , because the causes of the loss could be found elsewhere. So it is better to avoid putting your hands in the wrong place, risking to damage your appliance.

No Frost refrigerators: problems and water leaks

Unlike normal refrigerators, those equipped with the No Frost system do not require manual defrosting. These appliances have a constant circulation of air cooling , which avoids the formation of condensation and therefore of ice. In this way the water that is formed inside is considerably lower, and is expelled directly through a drainage duct placed inside the freezer. 

This system is often not inspectable , so it is not always possible to proceed with the cleaning of the hole like in traditional refrigerators. In the rare case of a water leak from a fridge No Frost it is advisable to call a qualified technician . The most common problemsof refrigerators with No Frost system are totally different. For example, you can verify:

1.       Drops Of Gas Pressure In The Condenser
2.       Temperature Increases Due To Excessive Openings
3.       Seals Breakages
4.       Errors In The Card
5.       Electrical Surges
6.       Resistance Breakdowns

In these cases it is absolutely necessary to call a specialized technician, avoiding do-it-yourself repairs especially when it is necessary to put hand to the electric parts . Instead, as we have seen before, when a traditional model of the fridge loses water often just clean the drain hole or check its leveling, a quick and simple operation that can be done even by yourself.


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