Is there water in the fridge? Here's how to solve the problem

Finding water in the refrigerator is a rather common occurrence that should not be of particular concern unless it happens too often and there is not too much.

This phenomenon, in fact, depends on a natural process of condensation , which occurs due to the continuous opening and closing of the refrigerator door, which causes a temporary increase in the internal temperature and favors the formation of water .

To avoid this problem altogether, you can buy a "No Frost" refrigerator , which prevents condensation from forming inside.

How to solve the problem of water in the fridge?

If you find water on the bottom of your refrigerator,  it is not immediately necessary to call a technician, because the cause could be the obstruction of the drain hole , which conveys the water into the special tank placed on the compressor. Once arrived in the tank, due to the heat produced by the compressor, the water will evaporate.

Here are the steps to follow to eliminate water from the refrigerator :

Unplug the plug . First of all, it is advisable to disconnect the refrigerator from the power socket, so that you can work with peace of mind;

Empty the fridge . Usually, the drain hole is placed in the lower part of the fridge, therefore, in order to be able to reach it and inspect it, the appliance must be completely emptied. In fact, if the hole is obstructed, it may also be necessary to clean the refrigerator to prevent any residue from obstructing it again;

Inspect the drain hole . In 99% of cases, the drainage hole is obstructed by small deposits of dirt that do not allow condensation to flow;

Clean the hole . If the drainage hole is obstructed, clean it using the appropriate pipe brush or blow it inside;

Make sure the hole is free . Once you have cleaned it, to make sure that the drainage hole is completely free try to pour in some water. If it flows, it means that the hole is free.

At this point you can dry your fridge well , turn it back on and put back what you had removed.

How to prevent the accumulation of water at the bottom of the fridge?

There are some precautions you can take to prevent the formation of too frequent water in your fridge:

1.       Be careful not to place the food in contact with the rear wall of the fridge , because it could form residues that the water, coming down towards the drain hole, drags with it, blocking it completely;

2.       Periodically check that the drain hole is free of residues of any kind and, if necessary, clean it. In this way you will avoid finding the refrigerator full of water;

3.       Inspect the refrigerator seals to make sure they seal the door properly. If this is not the case, contact a specialized technician to replace them.

4.       If, even after carefully cleaning the drain hole, the water does not flow properly inside or if, despite flowing without difficulty, continue to find the fridge full of water, you have no choice but to contact a qualified technician , that knows how to solve the problem of the formation of water in your fridge.


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