Plastic in bottled water!

Researchers have tested more than 250 bottles of water in nine countries, including Lebanon, India and the United States, led by Sherri Mason, a professor at the State University of New York at Fredonia. The biggest brands have been tested and the verdict is clear: 93% of them shows the presence of plastic particles.

These included polypropylene, nylon and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). On average, the researchers found, in each liter of water, 10.4 particles with a surrounding size of 0.10 millimeters.
If the origin of this pollution is not proven, it seems however that the provenance comes more from the bottling process than from the quality of the water at the source and that no mark whatever is spared

But what about tap water?

If the amount of plastic measured is lower, it is nevertheless present. The origin comes from the presence of more and more important plastic in our environment.

The solution would be the return to the glass bottle. If this solution has many interests, its main problem is its cost.

So what solution is possible?

The network water solution (tap water) has many advantages. First of all it is a water that stagnates much less than plastic bottles. Then, it is an ecological solution because its distribution cost has a carbon footprint much lower than plastic bottles: no storage, transport at lower cost, no packaging. It is also protected from heat and storage more or less good quality. However, it is true that its organoleptic qualities are not always at the level of mineral or spring water.

Our advice:

Learn about the water in your community. Some towns have a water of very good quality. Depending on the results, you can adapt a final filtration to your kitchen faucet. It is the source of water that par excellence deserves your attention. If the consumption at this point of water represents on average less than 5% of your water consumption, it is at this point that you drink it and that you use it to cook.

Several possibilities of filtration are possible:

Filter specific components (nitrates, ...)

Filter suspended matter if your water is of good quality (micro, ultra or nano filtration)
Optimal filtration: reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis is the way to filter all the impurities in your water. The quality of osmosis water is comparable to that of spring water because all suspended matter including plastics are blocked.
Who buys bottled water for cooking? Tap water filtered by reverse osmosis can be drunk and used for cooking.

The other advantages of filtered tap water are numerous:
1.       more plastic bottle stock
2.       finished the caddies filled with water packs,
3.       finished recycling,
4.       finished transport (especially if you are in an apartment).
Choosing filtered water is probably the future alternative to plastic bottles.


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