Refrigerator Lose Water - How to Solve the Problem

In this guide we explain what to do when the refrigerator loses water.

Before discovering how to run for cover, let's see the reasons why water is formed inside the refrigerator. It is a completely natural phenomenon. connected to the air condensation property. Opening the fridge door several times during the day, the air coming from outside, which obviously is warmer, enters the fridge and, in contact with its cold wall, turns into water droplets.

Clarified this, let's see how to repair the water leak in the fridge without calling the technician.
If the water ends up under the vegetable drawers, the motifs can be two, that is a filling of the water drain hole, or an erroneous leveling of the refrigerator. Let's see how to solve the problem in both cases.

Let's start with the case when the refrigerator loses water due to the obstruction of the drain hole. This problem, in general, arises as a result of foods placed incorrectly in the refrigerator compartment, for example at close range with the transpiring wall or even in close contact with this. Fortunately, not all refrigerators run into this problem. For example, no frost refrigerators use a different system and do not have the classic hole.

When the refrigerator loses water, the first thing you need to do is empty it and remove the floors. Once you have done that, you will notice that inside the final part of the transpiring wall there is a small hole which, as we shall see, will prove to be extremely useful. Equip yourself with a straw, a rubber tube or the provided brush and blow vigorously into the hole 4 or 5 times. In this way, in most cases you will be able to free the duct that carries the water in the tank that is located above the refrigerator compressor.

Once this is done, fill half a glass of water and pour a part into the small hole. In case the water drops properly, you will have solved the problem, if this does not happen, try blowing and you will see that by insisting you will be able to complete the cleaning.

If you're wondering where the water that goes down inside the hole ends, you should know that it evaporates thanks to the heat of the compressor. That's why, while doing the test, you must be careful not to pour too much water, since it could overflow from the tank and end up wetting the contacts. To be on the safe side, just pour a finger, just to see if it goes down correctly.

Obviously, once the operation has been completed, it will be necessary to dry carefully.
As already mentioned, the loss of water could also be linked to a wrong leveling of the front feet.
To prevent leaks, the water should flow into the fridge until it reaches the drain hole and then drain into an underlying manifold and evaporate. 

If the fridge is leveled to perfection or is slightly tilted forward, the water will have difficulty reaching the drain. Fortunately, the problem can be easily solved by adjusting the front feet of the fridge to keep it slightly tilted backwards.

Obviously for this operation you will have to get help from another person, alone in tilting the refrigerator you could end up hurting yourself or damaging it.

Once you have tilted the fridge, you will have to unscrew the front feet to stretch them will only need two turns, otherwise you will end up extracting them completely.
Once this is done, you can lower the fridge and use a level on its front edge to check if the feet are leveled.

Now open the door in half and let it go: it should close independently. If you do not have the ability to adjust the feet, we recommend that you insert an item about a centimeter below.

As we have seen, in most cases the loss of water from the refrigerator may depend on trivial problems that can be easily solved without the intervention of a technician.

In any case, to prevent malfunctions and faults, such as what we have just seen, and fully exploit the potential of the refrigerator, remember to always adhere to the recommendations given in the instruction booklet, to place the food inside it properly and not to overfill it.


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