The best material for filtering, purifying, storing and transporting water

Storing or drinking water immediately needs to be sure that it is safe to drink and that it does not contain harmful micro-organisms. Innovative and safe equipment makes it possible to effectively manage this need, but you still need to know what to buy. There are hundreds of products to filter, purify, store or transport water but few are reliable enough to rely on it.

After trying many systems of all ranges, I kept 10 water management products that fit my specifications:

1.       Decent price
2.       Popularity (for spare parts)
3.       Simple design and use
4.       Reliability
5.       Durability

You will find here my selection of the best tools for filtration, purification, storage and transport of water and the links to order them. You will not find here cisterns nor any other system of large scale since I live in apartment in Paris region. These products are the ones I use everyday and they give me satisfaction.

Filter and transport water

Lifestraw GO2 1L water bottle with integrated filtration system  : this super convenient and safe waterbottlehas replacedmy Nalgene water bottle. I love Nalgene a lot, but they do not offer a water filtration solution. The Lifestraw Go 2 has the huge advantage of filtering water directly.
The filter Lifestraw gourd is replaceable and treats up to 1000L of water, what to see even when you have a daily use as is my case.

The gourd also carries a very effective activated carbon filter which also changes after 1000 liters treated. In short, it is a real individual system of water filtration really practical. I recommend it to you without reservation and for the moment I do not find fault with it.

Filter the water on the ground

Lifestraw filtering straw  : this system is super lightweight and just as effective as the larger filters. It is a material that can drink directly water from any source (it is a straw filter as the name suggests). Lifestraw is not made to filter large quantities. It is ideal for hikers, bushiers and for emergencies.
Its very small size and weight make it an attractive addition to the EDC or the bag of evacuation to have water to filter in case of emergency. I have 3 at home (one for each member of my family) and I offered around me (there are packs of 3 or 5).

Note that there is a luxury version "steel" (metal instead of plastic, so) that is much more expensive but has no advantage other than a more design aspect ... So both take the cheapest.

Katadyn Vario pocket water  filter: this water filter is by far the best nomadic filter I could use. After trying 3 cheap models that have all broken in my hands, I stopped on the Vario which offers a robust construction and really well thought. This compact filter can process up to 2L / minute effortlessly and with matching systems to different bottle neck diameters (including Nalgene). It is easily disassembled for cleaning, which does not spoil anything.

Base Camp Pro camping gravity water filter by Katadyn : this filter is suitable for outdoor activities. This filtration system consists of a large 10-liter bag in which the filter is attached. Once the pocket is filled and suspended thanks to its super simple attachment system, the pocket allows water to flow through a pipe that is placed in the desired container. I love this simple and effective system, which is relatively compact when stored.

Storing water urgently at home

80L water cow  : perfect for storing a large amount of water very quickly and easily before filtering or purifying it. I bought this system in order to be able to use my bathtub as a tank without fearing that the water would be contaminated by the contact with the bathtub itself (even if you scoured it, a bathtub is full of bacteria and chemical residues of household products).

With this large capacity pouch, I know that I can store 80L of water (almost my monthly water consumption) in an instant. Attention, once the water cow filled it becomes impossible or almost to move it so choose where you put it before filling it.

15L Retractable Cans  : These retractable water cans are a great way to get plenty of water in the blink of an eye. I really appreciate being able to store them in a drawer (I have 5). They do not take up space and can be deployed in seconds if needed. The only disadvantage of these products is that by bending / unfolding they can pierce, but if it happens a piece of duct tape solves the problem.
Store and filter water daily

Big Berkey gravity water filter  : these gravity water filters make it possible to filter water on a daily basis. The best thinking is the stainless steel Berkey brand. They are available in several sizes but the Big model of 8.5 liters (50cm of height and 22cm of diameter) is the most reasonable in a kitchen of normal size (between 6 and 10m ²). Above 8.5L, the tanks are much more expensive, very imposing and annoying (for me, if you have a kitchen of 20m ² it is another thing obviously).

Gravity water filters work with high-performance, durable ceramic filters (3000L of water on average or more than 350 uses with an 8.5L model). I have this system for 3 years to filter water daily and I am very satisfied. Berkey Black Ceramic Filters are the world's most powerful and are sold by 2 or 4 .
They are quite expensive, but the filtration quality, reliability and durability of the products is extraordinary. For my part, I have 2 in use and 4 in stock which gives me much to see coming.

Note: Here you will find my  Big Berkey water filter test .

Do not buy anti-fluoride filters if you live in Europe , it's a useless expense. These products are destined for the American market. There, the water of the public network contains fluorine, this is not the case in France.

Purify water

Micropur Forte Water Purification Tablets  : These pellets are well known as the most effective on the market for purifying water. They are useful not only for removing bacteria and viruses from water, but also for preventing bacterial growth in stored water. They are also found in pharmacy and hiking shops, but prices are generally the same as or higher than the prices of online sales sites. I use it systematically during my travels to purify tap water and I have a stock to clean water in bulk if the situation requires it.

Stable Gas Stove : The best way to purify water is to boil it. I have 2 stoves in stock: this cheap model very effective and Campingaz Bivouac and enough gas cartridges to run 15 minutes 3 times a day for 3 months when needed.

I insist on the stability of the whole, avoid at all costs models that are fixed in a precarious way above the gas cartridges and which offer a very poor support to what we put on it. With these types of models that land and allow you to deport the gas cartridge or not to bear on it, you do not have to worry about putting a heavy load on it. For me, that's what works.

If I had to keep one ...

That's it, we went around the products that I consider to be the most useful and functional to treat water on a daily basis and to face the problems of filtration, purification, transport and storage.

While these 10 systems may seem like a lot and represent a definite investment, I consider them to be the bare minimum in dealing with a crisis involving a rupture or contamination of the water supply.
If I had to keep only one system, I would keep the Big Berkey filter fountain that serves me every day and offers a monstrous filtration capacity. This is the investment that I recommend if you are not equipped. As a good survivor, I must add that 2 is 1 and 1 is nothing  so I will also keep the gourd Lifestraw Go 2.

And what do you use on a daily basis and what purification and storage systems do you plan for when there is a problem?


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