Water heater leaks water - what to do

In this guide we will tell you what to do if the water heater loses water and what could be the causes that lead to this loss of liquid.

As it turns out to be very probable that you already know, an appliance does not last forever, not even the most modern. So even the water heaters can meet the classic problems of wear and aging due to their use. The problems concern, in most cases, a series of components that are damaged over time and must therefore be replaced. It turns out to be normal to experience this condition with apprehension, since the losses could get to flood the bathroom. Before calling a technician, however, it is always appropriate to analyze the situation and see if it is possible to remedy it yourself.

Causes of leakage of the water heater

Usually the water heaters tend to lose water in two different points and this could happen even simultaneously, despite being a rare circumstance. It is more common that the loss is localized in a single point, due to the wear of a specific component of the household appliance. Specifically, water heater models may come to record a leak at their lower section, or near the safety valve.

In both cases, the advice we can give you is not to wait any longer and try to resolve the fault as soon as possible. That's why, to follow, we will analyze both the cases and we will explain how to proceed.
What to do if the water heater leaks

Firstly, the fault could be located below the water heater, if the leak occurs in this area, it means that the problem depends on the resistance gasket. With the use and the passage of water, it is possible that this element has lost its effectiveness over time and its usefulness. This may also have occurred due to thermal variations and constant pressure, factors that can actually undermine the seal. The different types of stress may in fact have worn out, deteriorated or deformed over time.

In fact, when a water heater drips from below, the damage to the seal could be the sign of a more serious problem. The temperature regulator may have been broken, thus producing the thermal changes required to ruin the gasket. Clearly, if the problem remains limited to the seal, simply buy a new one and replace it. If instead the problem concerns the regulator of the temperatures, then it will be necessary to invest a higher amount to replace it. For the change of seal, regulator and resistance usually need about thirty euros, so a figure clearly affordable.

To be able to change these pieces, you must proceed by following some simple steps. First you have to empty the water heater, and then carry out a series of maintenance operations, necessary to remove all traces of lime scale. Both operations are simple, but may take some time, so we recommend that you have a free afternoon. At this point, all you have to do is replace the worn or old elements, that is the gasket, the resistance and the temperature regulator. We suggest you not to limit yourself to the gasket only, because the other two components could fail soon, if the water heater already has a certain age.

If the appliance detects leaks in the vicinity of the safety valve, it is not certain that the problem is different. Even in this case, in fact, the problem could be due to a failure of the temperature regulator, just like in the case of losses from below. This is due to the fact that, in the absence of a working regulator, the resistance is not activated correctly and brings the water to a boil. If this situation occurs, the internal pressure of the water heater increases and this leads to the opening of the safety valve, and to the consequent leakage of liquid.

The first attempt to do is the already mentioned replacement of the temperature regulator with a new component, which has a price that is around ten euros. To carry out this type of operation, you will first have to disassemble the plastic cover, disconnect the appliance from the mains and remove the regulator. This component is found right on the resistance, fixed by a pressure system, and it is not at all difficult to disengage. Once this is done, you will have to limit yourself to fitting the new piece.


Today we have explained to you what to do if the water heater loses water, even if the problem could still not resolve this way. If your appliance continues to leak from the parts of the safety valve, the problem may be related to this. If you have already replaced the temperature regulator, there is nothing left to do but to replace this component too. Just unscrew and screw the new one, even if it is advisable to close the water valve first.


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